
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. My first as a real life Mommy. (Thank goodness those cabbage patch days don't count or I'd have a lot of explaining to do with CPS.)


Today is the day where we give thanks for our Mothers . The project manager, the crew, and the materials all in one loving woman who built us from the ground up for 9 months.


I have had the grand fortune of having a wonderful mother and a wonderful grandmother that have made me into the woman I am today.


My mom was and is the one I call when nothing has gone right, when everything has gone well, on a Monday, on a Saturday, when I'm well or when I'm sick. And she's still I the one I look too for my baby.


She's the one who gave my brothers and I the foundation for our strong, unwavering faith in the Lord.


She's the one who loved us enough to tell us we could do anything we set our sights on and then let us explore the world. That is how I was able to go to graduate school four states away and find the man of my dreams and live the life I was supposed to live.


She's was the one that knew I had to back to that first grade classroom after I had my ever so teeny-tiny accident (it totally wasn't my fault. The classroom was watching a video and the teacher didn't see my hand raised and I was too scared to get up and just go to the bathroom sooo...) and I was MORTIFIED. I didn't like her very much that day. But looking back, if she hadn't made me walk back in there that same day I would have never gone back (or it would have cost a TON of tears).


She was the one who slept in the hospital with me with every asthma attack and made sure I had my inhaler at all times. That is still one of the questions I get "Do you have your inhaler?" And I'm 30 years old.


She's my teacher, my doctor, my babysitter, my taxi driver, my cheerleader, my protector, my devil's advocate and my friend.


I love you Mom!




Cynthia Meents said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your mom. Happy first Mother's Day to you!

Kristen @ The Chronicles of Dutch said...

Thanks Cynthia! It was a great day :)

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