
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Watch Out 2012!

I like having goals and making lists of those goals. (I really, really like making lists.  Its borders on OCD.)  It’s taken me a while to get on board the “new year, new goals” track.  I feel like a poser when I have January resolutions.  For some reason, they are always BIG GOALS, like climb Mt. Everest or lose 75 lbs.  Those never work.   So instead, I’m just going to set small but important goals for 2012. 
Another way in which I think I’ll be successful is either adding or subtracting one thing a week.  Instead of looking at a list a mile long I’m going to give myself 1 thing to focus on a week.  This will, hopefully, allow me to concentrate fully on the task each day and stop me from being overwhelmed. 
Week 1:  start taking my multi-vitamins again.  This isn’t hard and I’m not sure why I stopped but I need to get back on the train!
Week 2:  Wear Sunscreen – EVERY DAY! I’m 31 years old.  This needs to happen.  Or I'll be looking like this:
Week 3:  Drink 100 ounces of water a day.   My office supplies water in roughly 16 ounce bottles.  They also supply Diet Coke, which I’d much sooner drink, but 1 a day is enough.  6 of those bottles a day may be a bit much too just jump into so I’ll be upping my intake during Weeks 1 and 2. 

Week 4:  Make breakfast a priority.  Add whole grains, protein, fruits or veggie servings into breakfast.  I’ll be doing more research on what should constitute a reasonably healthy breakfast in the next few weeks to give you more specifics. 

Did you make any goals for 2012?  How are they coming? Any tips to keep this train headed in the right direction?   


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